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Our Family Law Firm in OKC is ready to help with your family law needs. Click on the headlines below for more information or contact us today with questions.


Family members may need to assume temporary legal responsibility for a child in their family. A Guardianship allows a person to assume legal custody and decision making authority for a child that has a need.  


Victim Protective Orders (VPO’s) often accompany a divorce or a paternity action.  Protective Orders can affect rights to custody and visitation. 

Domestic Violence

A physical altercation between spouses, people in a dating relationship or family members can result in domestic abuse charges.  


When a marriage comes to an end, you may need assistance with determining child custody, visitation and child support.  A divorce also divides the marital debts and assets.  Flat fees are offered for uncontested matters.


When a child is born to parents who aren’t married, it is necessary to have the Court establish custody, visitation and child support.  Both parents can benefit from custody and visitation order. 

Child Support

Child support payments can be determined administratively by Child Support Services or in District Court along with a Divorce or Paternity matter.  Child support can be modified if there is a change in income or visitation schedule.